Queens v Redditch Opals 19.01.25

What a great start to 2025 for Queens, winning against Redditch Opals 37-17 🎊

The UK’s delightful temperatures were glorious as always… 👀🥶 meaning there were some frosty fingers to begin with, initially starting with some hesitancy. Once the Queens had found their groove and found their ground, there was genuinely no stopping us 💪🏼

Our ever-reliable shooters were sinking them in beautifully: Amy, Frankie & Gem all proving their credible attacking and shooting skills continuously throughout the match. Even with some powerful defending from the opposition, some scratches & bruises to prove this, it wasn’t enough to stop the score increasing.

Although we Queens do get a little excited and sometimes let the play go wild before taking a breath & slowing it down, you can’t deny the ever-present support & strength of Soph, Katie & Lucy in the centre third, placing themselves well on the court and even having some swanky intercepts.

Even more impressively was the defensive duo of Lucinda & Millie T: I cannot put into words how strong your defensive skills were today, as well as backing up the centre third, and all of us were in awe of this, umpires included. The score margin would not have been the same without your amazing rebounds, intercepts and clever turn of play. It’s no wonder Player of the Match was awarded to a worthy Lucinda Granger 👏🏼

It was even the post-injury return for Beth, hobbling along into GK after a few months out, and successfully staying upright WOO! Although only a quarter played, it’s good to be back & hopefully start to find the rhythm again soon.