After a wet and windy start, the girls got off to an impressive lead. They soon warmed up whilst dominating the court against Ryland.
Leaping Lucy surely had the wind in her sails when flying in air like a gazelle. Someone definitely put the springs in her feet today.
She was greatly assisted by Antonia and Frankie, getting the feeds from the centre passes, followed strongly into the D. The awesome shooting was executed as sweet as a bag of haribo! Amy and her jelly arms kept some unlucky missed shots in our possession, which then turned into perfect goals. Frankie’s long shots boosted up the scoreboard and between her and Amy, we succeeded in a mighty win of 44-5.
Imogen was really good at being in the right place at the right time, offering the extra help when needed, which aided Stacey’s insane defending as always. Stacey’s player couldn’t keep up with her kick ass motivation to run the court!
Lucinda had some sexy dance moves trying to keep warm and on her toes ready to launch herself in the air to snatch that ball in.
And last but not least, Millie’s great versatility allowed her to booty bosh the three positions that she played! She was exactly where she needed to be, always offering that extra pass when needed.
The sharp passes and awesome play all round resulted in a great victory.
Shout out to Amy for getting players player!
Written by Gemma – player