Clubs cooler than Hotshots

The game started off well with a strong start and us taking the lead. Unfortunately, Lorraine’s dodgy leg became too dodgy for her to continue to play. This was heartbreaking for both her and us so early into the game. With a slight rejig we set off again and luckily continued to take the lead.

Confidence got the better of us going into the second quarter and we all got the giggles finding our silly mistakes hilarious, which of course they were not… Lorraine on the sideline didn’t find it so funny. With a stern talking before going into the second half, we pulled ourselves together and found some structure again. Jodie stopped coming so far down the court and the rest of us moved out of each others way and, after closing the gap, we started to pull ahead again and worked really well. It must have been ok because Lorraine changed her tune and said we were a ‘dream to watch’ at the end of the game.

I won player of the match 💁🏼‍♀️ and the team did so well, it was a fun game, we all enjoyed ourselves (maybe too much as some point) and we got a great result. Well done everyone!

♣️ Clubs 56 – 42 Hotshots

Written by Ellie – Captain